What is Computer Software? - What is Computer Software? -

What is Computer Software?

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A computer system consist of a software and hardware for its proper functioning The computer software is a set of instructions of data and program and it is used to operate the computers . Hardware describes the physical structure of the computer and software describes the program that runs the computer .



Hardware describes the physical parts of your computer which you can physically touch or see such as your monitor ,case ,disk drives, Microprocessor and other physical parts.


You will need software to make computer hardware perform useful function. The term software describes the program that runs on your system . This includes your computer operating system and other computer program . The software is written in computer language (such as BASIC, java ,c, c++,python etc.) by programmers .

A set of instructions that describes a task ,or a set of tasks to be carries out by a computers is called computer program.

Software is often divided in to two parts .

  • System software
  • Application software

System software

It refers to the all utility programs and operating system that manages computer resources at a low level . system software control internal computer operations .It can be divided in to two categories

(a) Operating system

(b) Language processer

Operating system

The most important program that runs on a computer is its operating system .An operating system has three main responsibilities .

  1. Perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input form the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directors on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.
  2. Ensures that different programs and users running at the same time do not interfere with each other.
  3. Provide a software platform on top of which other programs ( i.e., application software ) can run.

Early operating systems, such as MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk-Operating System), involved typing in of commands, on a black screen. Gradually, however, introduction to GUI (Graphical User Interface) based operating system made computers easier to use .Examples of operating system are Windows XP, Linux/OS/400,VMS,Windows Vista, Mac OSX etc.

Language processor

Programmers write there program in one of the High Level Language {HLL} because it is much easier to code in such language .However, computer does not understand any language other than its own machine language (binary language) . therefore, it is necessary to convert HLL in to machine language .The system program that perform this job are called Language processor .

Language processor are of the following types.

  1. Assembler : An assembler is a program that takes a basic computer instructions given in the assembly language and convert them in to machine language .
  2. Interpreter : This language processor converts a high level language program in to machine language by converting and executing it line by line .As it translate the source code , it keeps checking the errors and stops , if it finds one . the program execution is resumed only after the error is removed .
  3. Compiler : It also converts the HLL program in to machine language but it converts the entire program in one go , and reports all the error of the program along with the line number. After all the errors are removed , the program is recompiled .Compiled program generally runs faster than interpreted program .The interpreters are sometimes used during he development of the program , when a programmer wants to add a small section at a time and test them quickly .In addition interpreters are used in education because they allow students to program interactively.

Application software

An application software is a computer program designed to help the users in performing certain types of work . These programs are written by programmers to enable computer to perform a specific task such as processing words , handling calculations and figures , financial accounting , railway reservations etc. Application software can further be divided in to two categories .

(a) General Purpose Application Software

(b) Specific Purpose Application Software

General purpose application software packages are generally tools that provide specific capabilities , but not in support of a specific purpose . For examples , a spread sheet program is a general purpose application . It does spread sheet , but those could be spread sheets that you use to balance your check book ,or manage your fantasy football league.

Specific purpose application software is more limited in what it will do , but it usually do this much better than a general purpose program . for example , Reservation system , Accounting Management System etc

General purpose application software

  • Word processing software : These software can be used for typing letters , applications, reports, notes etc. It allows you to edit and format the text in many ways Some popular word processing software are MS word ,Word perfect, open office writer etc.
  • Spreadsheet software : Electronic spreadsheet is another very popular application software .Spreadsheet software allows you to create and manipulate spreadsheet electronically . This is tabulated in the form of rows and column . popular spread sheet software are MS EXCEL , Lotus 1-2-3, open office calc.
  • Data Base Management System :Database is a collection of information organized in such a way that it can be accessed very easily and quickly . database is an electronic filling system . It ensures integrity and security of data .
  • Presentation /Graphics Application : This software helps to draw animation images and pictures etc. clipart is very popular Graphics software . It is used to make slides presentation example are MS powerpoint Corel draw , Macromedia etc
  • Communication program : Like e-mail and faxing software for sending and receiving messages
  • Multimedia application : For creating music and video
  • Educational software
  • Entertainment software

Special Purpose application software

  • Accounting management : This software program is used to maintain account books on computers . This software can be used to record transactions ,maintain accounts balances and prepare financial statements .
  • Reservation system : This software is used to manage all kinds of booking of flights ,trains , hotels etc.
  • HR management : Human Resource management software can help you to full fill the potential and increase the loyalty of your work force while minimizing the costs and complexity of administrating salaries , benefits, recruiting, and performance management .
  • Attendance system : This system is used to monitor and control the attendance of the employees of an organization .
  • Payroll system : This software is used to calculate salary of employees of any organization

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